Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Today at Enrich we started the 2nd round of Fibonacci with Alana.  If you don't know what this is it is a complicated system invented by Leonardo Fibonacci it's sequence that goes 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 it you add the previous number with the 2nd previous to get the answer. There are several ideas for how it was invented. Some think that it is cows because of their breeding process the same with rabbits and bees. But there is a method of a snails shell if you draw out the Fibonacci numbers and put curved lines through them it makes a snail shell.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

P4C and Debating

Today at enrich we got split into groups for P4C and Debating. I started in P4C, the subject was the Zax from Dr.Zuess. If you haven't heard it, one Zax walks north and the other walks south, they eventually collide and they are so committed to it that they never walk east or west they stay there for 59 years!!!!!.    Anyway the point was, was that a good kind of pride? or not? we decided that the answer was no, do you agree? After that we went to debating, the subject was: Should we get rid of cats on Stewart Island? We were the affirmative side. Altogether it was a dead tie.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

P4C and Debating

Today at enrich we started a new Debating topic, it was: should 18 and younger children be able to make a Facebook account? I was on the negative team and the team members were Sarah , Claire , Hamish  , Robert, Conor and I. The other team won because they had more rebuts. Then we switched over to P4c. The topic was could you place your opinion on something you haven't experienced? We decided the answer was yes. Do you agree?

Wednesday, 8 August 2012


Today I learnt how to make an OE-CAKE. I learnt many combinations Josh learnt how to make acid I learnt how to make glue and make explosions. I made a timer and then destroy it with Joshs acid.

Biology and Dinoscopes

Today at Enrich we got to choose what we wanted to do out of Art Cartooning with Katie, Chemistry with Jenni or Biology and Dinoscopes with Darryn. I obviously chose Biology with Darryn. We got to take super close photos. I took exactly 20 photos. We took some of our skin. It looks so gross and crusty. I took one of my Southland Stags top it looks like fresh blood.

Here is one of my pictures. It is just pen on my skin but it looks like blood! UUGGHH!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 1 August 2012


Today at Enrich we decided what we wanted to do to help the environment.  Me, Josh, Jordan and Max wanted to work together and we all wanted to work on Seaward bush.  We are going to create stoat, weasel and rat traps and also hang up bird feeders and walk around to check if we chase anything.  For my high interest station I made a tessellation.